Flower Delivery in Rivne – Fresh Bouquets & Gifts from Local Florists

Birthday Flowers and Gifts in Rivne

19 White Roses
$ 68
Luxury Sparkling Gift Basket
$ 75

Discount 3%

51 Red Roses
$ 165 $ 160
Chocolate Surprise basket
$ 43
YSL Mon Paris
$ 95
21 Mix Color Roses
$ 69
Happy Birthday Cake
$ 65
Amazing Feelings Bouquet
$ 55
15 Coral Roses
$ 60
12 Love Balloons Bouquet
$ 120
Red & White Florist Choice
$ 41
Pink Basket Florist Choice
$ 43
Platinum Electronics Card
$ 65
Happy Birthday Balloons Set
$ 60

Discount 3%

Original Fruits Gift Basket
$ 40 $ 39
11 Luxury Pink Roses
$ 65

Florist Choice in Rivne

Orange Florist Choice
$ 45
Yellow Florist Choice
$ 45
Red Florist Choice
$ 39
Fragrance Florist Choice
$ 43
Red & White Florist Choice
$ 41
Tender Basket Florist Choice
$ 43
Pink & White Florist Choice
$ 43
Delighted Florist Choice
$ 43

Best Seller Flowers in Rivne

Salsa of Love Bouquet
$ 49
Need You Much
$ 49
Red & Pink Florist Choice
$ 40
Elegance Bouquet
$ 49
Red & White Florist Choice
$ 41
White and Pink Mix
$ 55
Fragrance Florist Choice
$ 43
White Elegance
$ 35

Best Seller Gifts in Rivne

Jean Paul Gaultier Scandal
$ 62
Fruits & Foods Gift Basket
$ 41
Carolina Herrera Good Girl
$ 87

Discount 3%

Love Celebration Set
$ 55 $ 53
Nutella Hazelnut Spread
$ 6
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
$ 179
Choco Bars Gift Basket
$ 55
3 Happy Birthday Balloons
$ 30

New Arrivals

Rose Set
$ 73
Tender Basket Florist Choice
$ 43
Pink Basket Florist Choice
$ 43
Fragrance Florist Choice
$ 43
Delighted Florist Choice
$ 43
Red & Pink Florist Choice
$ 40
Yellow & White Florist Choice
$ 45

Flowers Delivery in Rivne

Fresh flowers bring smiles, happiness, and admiration, especially when presented as a surprise. They can be a confession from deep inside the soul or a sign of asking for forgiveness from all the heart. Flowers can be presented as the symbol of appreciation, for the memory, or just without any reason - for an excellent mood. To bring some joy and happiness for the dearest person with the flower arrangements, there is no need to look for the reason. And now it is much easier to do with Ukraineflora by ordering exclusive flower bouquets and their delivery in Rivne.

send Flowers to Rivne

What Ukraineflora proposes

We have professional and responsible florists working for your service. Even when ordering a bouquet by phone or online, you can be sure that the recipient will receive guaranteed fresh and beautiful flowers only in the desired composition and period. No second-class raw materials, any attempt to implement unsaleable goods. We only work for the customer, which is done individually and qualitatively.

We have reasonable prices - because we do retail buying, bouquet design, and delivery on our own, so we can afford a lower cost than our competitors. Furthermore, we only overpay and work with intermediaries; therefore, ordering from us is more profitable than other companies. We accept orders and deliver fresh flowers to the address provided around the clock on weekends and holidays, understanding the needs and wishes of our customers. If you want to make a surprise, or you urgently need flower decoration for celebrations, we are always here to help out.

Also, we provide urgent processing and delivery of the bouquets in main metropolitan cities and areas. If you are in a hurry, your order will be executed by 2–3 hours after the acceptance of the order and payment. And we have a lot of nice little things for each client. If you want to add a fruit basket, a commemorative postcard, teddy bear or sweets, to the flowers - it is also quite real. Just so you know – one call and a beautiful bouquet with a pleasant surprise will be arranged and delivered on time, wherever you specify in your application.

flowers to Rivne

How does it work? 

It is easy and convenient to work with us. Only some have the opportunity to come to our salon, choose a bouquet, and pay for it. If this is your case, you can use one of our phone numbers or order the bouquet online. Payment can be made via credit card only. 

In the event that, for objective reasons, you are not satisfied with our bouquet, you or the recipient can return it and will issue a full refund or will deliver the other bouquet of premium quality and more expensive. Even if you are not in the hometown of the recipient, and perhaps in another country, that does not mean that the way you people will be left without a beautiful and touching gift to a significant date. Please feel free to contact us in any way that works best for you to specify your wishes and leave the recipient's address. We will do the rest with the highest level of service, and just in time, we will deliver flowers in Ukraine. Tenderness, love, and care know no boundaries in time and space - our services are the most vivid evidence.

florist in Rivne

Read more
  • What is the origin of your flowers? Ukraineflora and our affiliated florists in every city of Ukraine, including Rivne, use both locally produced flowers (such as roses, chrysanthemums, tulips) and imported ones (including deluxe roses, chrysanthemums, alstroemerias, tulips, orchids, etc.). We guarantee that every flower arrangement we deliver will only contain fresh flowers.
  • Are cash payments accepted? We apologize for any inconvenience, but Ukraineflora does not accept cash payments for our services. However, we offer a variety of other payment methods for your flower and gift delivery orders in Rivne.
  • How can I check the current status of my order? Customers can easily check the status of their flower orders in Rivne on our website at https://ukraineflora.com/order-status. To check the order status, enter the 4-digit order number found in the confirmation email from Ukraineflora, which is sent after successful payment. There are several types of order statuses, including Ready For Delivery, Successful Delivery, Problems, Scheduled, Cancelled, and On The Way.
  • Is the floral arrangement in the photograph an exact representation of what will be delivered in Rivne? Yes, Ukraineflora strives to deliver flower arrangements and gifts exactly as they are presented in the product pictures. Customers can check the real, unedited photos of our deliveries here - https://ukraineflora.com/photos, or on our Facebook page at https://facebook.com/ukraineflora or Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/ukraineflora/.
  • How much in advance should I schedule my flower order in Rivne? We recommend ordering flowers in Rivne 10–15 days in advance at most. The best option would be 24–48 hours before the required delivery date. However, Ukraineflora works hard to provide express and same-day delivery options for our customers.
  • To which areas of Rivne do you provide delivery services? Ukraineflora delivers flowers and gifts to every area of Rivne and its metropolitan area, including all small towns and villages within a radius of 20-30 km. We also deliver to every city and village in Ukraine, although there may be additional costs involved. If a customer wishes to order delivery of flowers and gifts to a location not listed on our website, we recommend contacting Ukraineflora for additional information and a price quote.
  • Is it possible to personalize flower arrangements in Rivne? Depending on the bouquet or arrangement you choose, Ukraineflora may offer customization options. Check our website for specific customization options, which may include adding extra flowers, special packaging, or personal messages. There's also an option to contact customer support and describe what you'd like to have delivered in Rivne. You will receive available options from our florists in Rivne.
  • What is the process for ordering flowers in Rivne? To order flowers in Rivne, visit the Ukraineflora website at https://ukraineflora.com and browse through our selection of flower arrangements. Select the bouquet you like, add it to your cart, and follow the checkout process to place your order.
  • Can I send flowers to Rivne anonymously? Yes, customers who want to send flowers to Rivne anonymously can do so. Simply put the appropriate instruction in the "Special Instructions" field during the checkout process, or email us at [email protected] with your instructions.
  • What is the procedure for canceling my order? Ukraineflora does have specific policies regarding order cancellations. In general, a customer can cancel the order as long as it hasn't started being prepared by our florists or delivery managers. We recommend checking the dedicated page on our website called "Change or Cancel Order" here: https://ukraineflora.com/page/changeorcancel, or contacting our always-available customer support for information on order cancellations and any associated terms and conditions.
  • Can I place an order for flowers in Rivne over the phone rather than online? Ukraineflora does not fully accept orders for flower delivery in Rivne over the phone. While we can assist you with inquiries and answer questions by phone, we will still need to email you to gather essential information about the recipient and the order in general. We will also send an invoice along with a payment link.
  • Which forms of payment are accepted? Ukraineflora accepts all major credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, bank wires, Western Union, and MoneyGram transactions as payment methods for its services. These options cover 99% of all customer requests who want to order flower and gift deliveries in Ukraine and wish to pay for them in the most convenient and secure way.
  • Why is there a price increase for flowers in Rivne during holidays? The principle of supply and demand largely explains why flower prices increase during certain periods. When demand is high, prices go up. Ukraineflora has to raise prices when flower producers and importers raise theirs. This mostly happens for Christmas, New Year, Valentine's Day, and International Women's Day on March 8. Here's a tip if you want to save and avoid paying extra when ordering flowers and gifts for delivery in Rivne during holidays - make your order 3-4 weeks in advance.
  • What is the pricing for flowers in Rivne? The cost of flowers in Rivne can vary depending on the type of bouquet or arrangement you choose, as well as any additional customizations or add-ons. Prices are listed on the product page. In most cases, Ukraineflora offers three cost ranges - regular, premium, and prestige. Prices for roses start from 15 USD per 5 stems, flower arrangements start from 19 USD, and gifts start from 9 USD per box of the finest Swiss chocolate.
  • Do you offer flower and gift deliveries in Rivne on Sundays? Yes, Ukraineflora delivers flowers and gifts in Rivne and its metropolitan area on Sundays.