19 roses bouquets delivery in Ukraine

19 Red Roses
$ 60
19 White Roses
$ 62
19 Pink Roses
$ 68
19 Yellow Roses
$ 71
19 Red Roses in Box
$ 80
19 Pink Roses in Hatbox
$ 92
Extra Roses Box
$ 114

19 Roses Bouquets Delivery in Ukraine

Fast and reliable delivery of bouquets of 19 roses from Ukraineflora is the best way to congratulate family and friends in Ukraine. Only perfect flowers without flaws with a strong stem and a refined calyx go to work. Each bouquet is the embodiment of sincere feelings that we are happy to convey to the recipient on your behalf.

Variety of 19 roses bouquets from Ukraineflora

Since ancient times, people have been looking for meaning in everything that surrounds them, so they endowed some numbers with special meanings. Nineteen flower bouquets symbolize energy and passion. They combine in themselves two opposite components - physical and spiritual principles, which means that they resonate with both rationalists and people who live by the call of the heart.

  • Bouquets of red, yellow, pink, or white roses are both laconic and majestic. Flowers of scarlet hues will tell the recipient about deep affection, respect, and passion. Yellow buds symbolize a positive attitude towards life, lightness, and a friendly attitude. A bouquet of pink flowers bewitches with tenderness and chic. White roses, like exquisite jewelry carved from ivory, will produce a strong effect and convey your enthusiastic feelings to the addressee.
  • Roses in a hatbox are a stylish option as a gift for a sophisticated girl or an elegant man. They stand for a long time, do not require a vase, and fit perfectly into any interior.
  • Holiday sets. You can choose a gift for the bouquet at your discretion, or use ready-made options. The trio is very popular - 19 snow-white roses, a dozen bars of elite chocolate, and a gift box with bath accessories. This option will remain in the recipient's heart as an exquisite, useful, and appropriate surprise.
Gifts filled with care and concern make a good impression. It is appropriate to complement a bouquet of 19 roses with a high-quality vase of a suitable size. So you will take care not only of the first impression, but also of how the recipient will admire the gift in the next week or two.

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Same-day delivery of flowers to Ukraine

Florists at Ukraineflora are ready to collect a premium bouquet in 2 hours and quickly send it to the addressee. We will take into account your every wish: we will select roses of a certain variety, harmonious packaging made of high-quality material, and then we will hand you over at a convenient time. To place an order for 19 roses with delivery in Ukraine, one phone number of the recipient is enough. Regardless of where you live, with Ukraineflora you will wrap your loved ones with care and love, presenting them with a luxurious gift with good wishes.

Read more
  • What do 19 roses symbolize in a bouquet? Nineteen roses in a bouquet symbolize a combination of energy and passion. They represent both physical and spiritual principles, making them suitable for rationalists and those who follow their heart.
  • What color options are available for 19 roses bouquets? You can choose from various colors including red, yellow, pink, and white roses. Each color carries its own meaning, such as red symbolizing deep affection, yellow representing a positive attitude, pink conveying tenderness, and white expressing enthusiastic feelings.
  • Are there options for roses in a hatbox? Yes, you can opt for roses in a hatbox, which is a stylish choice for a gift. These roses last for a long time, don't require a vase, and fit well into any interior.
  • Are there any recommended holiday sets to complement the bouquet? Yes, you can choose holiday sets to complement the bouquet. For example, a popular option is a trio that includes 19 roses, a dozen bars of elite chocolate, and a gift box with bath accessories. These sets make for exquisite and thoughtful surprises.
  • Should I consider adding a vase to the bouquet? It's a good idea to add a vase of a suitable size to the bouquet. This not only enhances the first impression but also ensures that the recipient can enjoy the gift for weeks to come.
  • Is same-day delivery available for these bouquets in Ukraine? Yes, you can benefit from same-day delivery. Florists at Ukraineflora can assemble a premium bouquet in as little as 2 hours and deliver it promptly to the recipient. All you need is the recipient's phone number to place an order, regardless of where you are located.