Coral Roses Delivery in Ukraine

Orange Roses by 5 Stems
$ 20
7 Coral Roses
$ 30
Delighted Florist Choice
$ 48
Tender Basket Florist Choice
$ 48
Fragrance Florist Choice
$ 48
White & Orange Florist Choice
$ 49
Orange Florist Choice
$ 50
15 Coral Roses
$ 60
21 Mix Color Roses
$ 79
29 Coral Roses
$ 110

Discount 3%

Bright Roses Heart
$ 115 $ 112
39 Coral Roses
$ 150
Passion Mix
$ 185
101 Mixed Roses
$ 380
101 Coral Roses
$ 380
Rainbow Roses Basket
$ 420

Delivery of coral roses in Ukraine 

Rose is a beautiful flower that delights with its unearthly beauty, sophisticated aroma, and grandeur. Despite the fact that there are many varieties, each of them has its own mystery, uniqueness. Coral rose is especially interesting. Her buds are elongated and have a beautiful shape. Silky petals are endowed with an amazingly saturated bright color with a silver tint. The unique color of this variety allows you to use them in a variety of combinations. Not only as a gift for the beautiful lady, but also for a gentleman as it will welcome such a nice gift. Therefore, the online store Ukraineflora offers to order the delivery of coral roses at an affordable price for any event.

Who to present coral roses to?

Disclosure of flower secrets: who can give coral flowers. Are there relationships in which it is not clear whether reciprocity is present? If you are unsure of this, then sweetheart is better to be presented with coral roses.

Men are also can be presented with a bright bouquet of flowers to express their kind, bright wishes.

If a girl is merry and cheerful, always reaches her goal, then buds with a coral shade will emphasize her wonderful character.

If a man gave a woman a bouquet of coral roses, then he sees her as an energetic, mysterious, disinterested, creative person. Such color of buds is able to please and surprise at the same time because it is not always possible to find flowers of such a bewitching tone. If you are confused, do not know how to impress a pretty lady, then ordering delivery of coral roses on the Ukraineflora website inexpensively is the right answer for you. Before buying, do not forget to study the floral symbolism of the coral roses:

  • sincerity;
  • the expectation of mutual feelings;
  • impatience;
  • sensuality;
  • tenderness;
  • vulnerability;
  • overwhelming inexperienced passion;
  • the emergence of new feelings;
  • respect;
  • wish good, success.

The "Queen of the Garden" of the coral color is endowed with natural beauty: the short or long stem of the flower looks elegant, romantic, and the bud with numerous petals opens before our eyes. Therefore, in the design of the bouquet may be a minimum of decor. Usually, our florists recommend decorating the composition with just one thing: light packaging, silk ribbon, rich greens, or a charming wicker basket.

How many coral roses to present

In our online store, you can buy one rose or a bunch. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the client and the preferences of the addressee. If you have not decided on the volume of the composition, but the florists will give a valuable recommendation on how many flowers the bouquet should consist of:

  1. They give one rose to a loved one to express sincere love for him. The only flower presented is not greed on the part of the presenter, as he shows the beloved her importance in his life.
  2. Three buds are presented to a friend. They symbolize respect, give joy.
  3. A colleague should choose a composition of five flowers, wishing prosperity in the profession.
  4. You can prove your loyalty to your spouse with a bouquet of eleven buds.
  5. If you are full of feelings so that you are ready to get a star from the sky, then you can buy a gorgeous armful of coral roses with delivery Kyiv, Ukraine.

A bouquet of charming flowers will decorate any event, will delight the recipient. They will delight for a long time with their unusual beauty, unique aroma, and freshness. Presenting a bouquet to a colleague, soulmate, girlfriend, think not about the number of buds in it, but about the feelings, you feel.

Buy coral roses in Kyiv and in Ukraine. Price

The cost of each composition is indicated on the pages of the online catalog. The exact calculation of the order is made after its approval. The final price depends on the chosen method of arranging the bouquet, the number of buds. The client has the right to supplement the flower present with a postcard, a charming soft toy, a gift set, the contents of which may be different. It is proposed to pay for the application in any convenient way.

Courier roses delivery service is available daily. If the courier needs to hand the order in the hands of the addressee, then you need to indicate his phone number, address. The delivery of the order must be recorded and sent to the customer by notification. Delivery works on weekdays and holidays, all customer requirements are respected, deadlines never break! The service of Ukraineflora company works quickly, harmoniously, conveniently. Website consultants are ready to advise a client for free on any issue.

The advantages of ordering via Ukraineflora

The catalog is full of mono-bouquets of solid buds, there are mix bouquets containing roses of different colors. Compositions consist of non-blossoming or blossoming buds. The edge of the petals can be uneven, and their color is complemented by pink veins. Roses offered by us:

  • long keep freshness, the beauty of buds;
  • have buds of different sizes, the length of the stems is cut at the option of the client;
  • grown by experienced breeders without the use of harmful additives;
  • endowed with natural color;
  • delivered on specially equipped vehicles;
  • given with any gift set;
  • make the recipient happier and the interior more beautiful.


Coral roses delivery order coral roses coral roses bouquet


Rose – an amazing plant that can give not joy only, but also with its magical aroma relieves tension, stress, eliminates apathy. Therefore, you need to present them with the sense or reason or even without them - you cannot miss with presenting flowers. If there is not enough smile on the face of your chosen one, and there is no light in her or his eyes, order delivery of coral roses to the recipient without wasting time!

Read more
  • What makes coral roses unique compared to other rose varieties? Coral roses stand out due to their elongated buds, saturated bright color with a silver tint, and elegant shape. Their uniqueness allows for versatile use in various occasions and settings.
  • Who is an ideal recipient for coral roses? Coral roses are suitable for a wide range of recipients. They can be gifted to both men and women, making them an excellent choice for expressing various emotions and sentiments.
  • Are there specific symbolic meanings associated with coral roses? Yes, coral roses convey several symbolic meanings, including sincerity, the expectation of mutual feelings, impatience, sensuality, tenderness, vulnerability, and more. The choice of coral roses can express different sentiments depending on the occasion.
  • How many coral roses should I include in a bouquet? How many coral roses should I include in a bouquet?
  • What additional options or decorations can be added to a coral rose bouquet? You have the option to complement your coral rose bouquet with items like a greeting card, a soft toy, or a gift set, allowing you to create a more personalized and meaningful gift.
  • How can I order and have coral roses delivered in Ukraine? You can conveniently order coral roses and specify your delivery preferences through the Ukraineflora website. They offer daily courier delivery services with the option to include recipient details and receive delivery notifications, ensuring a smooth and reliable process.