Product Information
This is a vast bouquet !!! Really. It looks like we need to take another picture of this bouquet so our customers can have a better idea of its side. Just make this day special for your loved one. There is no better way to say "I need you" than a bouquet of these tender flowers. Roses, mini carnations, and white mums are ready to do that for you.
- This bouquet comprises nine stems of roses, five stalks of mini carnations (which can be replaced with alstroemerias), and five chrysanthemums.
- The arrangement size is approximately 40-50 cm in height and 45 cm in diameter.
- A vase is not included in the arrangement cost and can be ordered additionally.
- We can still deliver this bouquet even if you only have the recipient's phone number.
We recommend adding to your order
- What flowers are included in the bouquet? The bouquet is made of 9 stems of roses, 5 stems of mini carnations, and 5 stems of chrysanthemums. These tender flowers are perfect for expressing your love and affection to your special someone.
- Is a vase included in the cost of the arrangement? No, a vase is not included in the cost of the arrangement. However, you can order a vase additionally. We offer a variety of vases that will complement the beauty of your bouquet.
- Can I order flowers and gifts from Ukraineflora to be delivered to Ukraine from the USA? Yes, you can! We offer international gift delivery services from the USA, Canada, the UK, and Western Europe to Ukraine. You can easily place an order on our website and we will take care of the rest.
- Can I order roses near me for same-day delivery in Ukraine? We offer same-day delivery of roses and other flowers in Ukraine, but availability may vary depending on your location. Please check our website or contact our customer support team to confirm if same-day delivery is possible for your order.
- What types of payment do you accept for orders on Ukraineflora? We accept credit card and PayPal payments for orders on our website. Both options are fast, safe, and secure ways to pay online.
- What types of gifts can I order and have delivered in Ukraine through Ukraineflora? We offer a wide range of gifts for delivery in Ukraine, including food baskets, cakes, balloons, chocolate bars, soft toys, gift cards, and more. You can browse our website to see all available options.
Write a review to help other buyers with a choice!
Need You Much was the perfect bouquet! The flowers were fresh and beautifully arranged.
Such a gorgeous arrangement! Need You Much made the recipient feel truly special.
Beautiful arrangement with sweet smells! Good quality! Thank you!
Именинница счастлива, а вместе с ней и я! Все в лучшем качестве.
Super experience! It can be seen that the bouquet is collected with soul. Thank you very much!
I ordered a bouquet Need you much along with the tiramisu cake all cool thanks
I am delighted with your service. Everything is very sensible, prompt and polite. Thank you. I will only use your service. respectfully
Заказывала букет c хризантемами. Букет оправдал все ожидания, цветы свежие и в отличном виде, получатель был безумно доволен. Курьер также был очень приятным и приехал в нужное время!
Велике дякую! Букет був навіть краще ніж на сайті. Одержувач в захваті