Flower Delivery in Sumy – Fresh Bouquets & Gifts from Local Florists

Birthday Flowers and Gifts in Sumy

11 Luxury White Roses
$ 66
Red & White Florist Choice
$ 41
White & Orange Florist Choice
$ 44
Plushy Heart
$ 20
Lancome La Vie Est Belle
$ 89
203 Red Roses
$ 750
Red Florist Choice
$ 39
Chocolate Surprise basket
$ 43
Cake Knyazhiy
$ 24
Happy Birthday Cake
$ 65
29 Red Roses in Box
$ 109
Pinky Bunny
$ 35
Tasty Treat Gift Basket
$ 47
Champagne Local
$ 15
15 Luxury Pink Roses
$ 90
My Heart is Yours
$ 189

Florist Choice in Sumy

Yellow Florist Choice
$ 45
Fragrance Florist Choice
$ 43
White Florist Choice
$ 40
Pink & White Florist Choice
$ 43
Red Florist Choice
$ 39
White & Orange Florist Choice
$ 44
Pink Florist Choice
$ 40

Best Seller Flowers in Sumy

Spray Color Mix
$ 45
Spring Splash
$ 65
Amazing Feelings Bouquet
$ 55
Need You Much
$ 49
Simply Miss You
$ 38
White and Pink Mix
$ 55
Red and White Mix
$ 31

Best Seller Gifts in Sumy

Luxury Chocolate Candy Box
$ 25
Giant Teddy Bear
$ 89
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
$ 179
Choco Bars Gift Basket
$ 55
Carolina Herrera Good Girl
$ 87
I Love You Balloon
$ 9
Fruits & Foods Gift Basket
$ 41
3 Happy Birthday Balloons
$ 30

New Arrivals

Rose Set
$ 73
Tender Basket Florist Choice
$ 43
Pink Basket Florist Choice
$ 43
Fragrance Florist Choice
$ 43
Delighted Florist Choice
$ 43
Red & Pink Florist Choice
$ 40
Yellow & White Florist Choice
$ 45

Flowers and Gifts Delivery in Sumy

For residents and guests of Sumy, flower delivery from Ukraineflora will be a pleasant surprise and a reason for a good mood, the best sign of attention, and even a declaration of love. Here, you can order a gift for a name day, anniversary, public holiday, etc. Delight your loved one with a bouquet of exclusive roses, a freshly baked cake, a fruit basket, or favorite treats delivered to your door. We work 24/7 and are ready to present your gift on weekdays, weekends, and holidays.

Order flowers in Sumy 1

Merchants, industry, and round-the-clock flower delivery in Sumy

A neat, comfortable, and charming corner in the northeast of Ukraine does not lead to the rating of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Still, it is an interesting city with beautiful sights, well-groomed recreation areas, and a rich history. The spirit of the Cossacks and the Hetmanate is traced here, and the architectural monuments have absorbed the unique motives of the Ukrainian Baroque and later - Art Nouveau. In the century before last, trade was actively conducted in these places, and with it, merchant houses with a textured brick facade, stucco moldings, and small balconies with columns grew up. Miniature, but very attractive buildings are devoid of pathos and monumentalism and create a special atmosphere of comfort. Surrounded by age-old trees and quiet streets, they evoke a sense of calm and tranquility.

Sumy is famous not only for its picturesque landscapes and unique architectural buildings. It is a promising city that is engaged in mechanical engineering and metalworking. The food and chemical industries are also developed here. Wide avenues, spacious squares, and modern multi-story buildings harmoniously surround the buildings of the 19th century.

We have been delivering flowers in Sumy for many years: we follow the city's development, discover new places for ourselves, study sleeping areas, and discuss news and personal observations with colleagues. Unlike million-plus cities or pop-up tourist spots, more attention is paid to detail. This is when compactness and simplicity are the area's strong points, giving it a special charm. Flowers delivery in Sumy from Ukraineflora is carried out around the clock: early in the morning, during lunch breaks, and even at night. We see the city as sleepy and active, snow-covered and melted under the scorching sun, gloomy in autumn, and romantic in spring, so we urge all guests to be attentive. Let go of your thoughts, look at sculptures and art objects, listen to your feelings, and forget about the hustle and bustle, at least during the weekend.

Order flowers in Sumy 2

What to see and where to order flowers in Sumy

This city cannot be confused with any other area of ​​Ukraine. Its picturesque nature, unique architecture, cozy parks, and old estates are not for nothing —it is not for nothing that it is often called the pearl of Slobozhanshchina. We recommend paying attention to several unique places to get to know Sumy better.

  • Major attractions. You should start your acquaintance with the city from the main pedestrian street, Cathedral Street. It connects two squares, Independence and Pokrovskaya, and is distinguished by neat 19th-century buildings. Another attraction is located within walking distance—the legendary Sumy gazebo. Made of wood and painted snow-white, it looks like lace from a distance. One of the most beautiful fountains in the country, "Sadko," is also considered to be the city's visit card.
  • Monuments and street art are other symbols of the area. Walking through the quiet central streets, it's hard not to notice street art's cute and unusual elements. Here, you can take a photo near the refined sugar monument, a lady with an umbrella, a cheerful resident of Sumy, sweet-tooth babies, the Lantern of Love, and other contact sculptures.
  • The temple architecture here took European classicism, baroque, and modern as a basis and supplemented it with characteristic elements of the Ukrainian style. Pay attention to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky, Troitsky, Holy Resurrection Cathedrals, Ilyinsky Church with a stunning chapel.
  • Palaces and estates are ideal places for educational leisure, recreation with children, or an atmospheric walk, after which many positive emotions and beautiful photos remain. We recommend you build a route in advance because you must get to some places by transport. Go to the estates of I. Asmolov, I. Kharitonenko, the Sukhanov-Sumovsky palace of the Leshchinsky in Kiyanitsa, the Kondratyev complex in Hoteni.
  • Camping. You can listen to birdsong and breathe in the fresh air in the park. Kozhedub or the Skazka entertainment complex. City holidays and festivals are often held here, and rides, sculptures, and photo zones are provided for children.

Ukraineflora company provides flowers and gifts delivery to all cities of Ukraine: Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, etc. We work in the Zarechny and Kovpakovsky districts of Sumy and deliver timely bouquets to the address: private houses, educational institutions, workplaces, hospitals, cafes, and restaurants. We make an appointment with the addressee in advance to avoid disturbing him at the wrong moment.

Order flowers in Sumy 3

Order flowers in Sumy: variants of the bouquets

Roses remain the leader of our sales. They are used to create thematic compositions for the holidays: New Year, International Women's Day, or Mother's Day. To beautifully confess your love to your beloved, buying roses in Sumy of rich red, delicate pink, or elegant white is enough. You can present them in a box or basket or choose a heart-shaped bouquet. A mix of several shades is one of the most current floristic trends. Large buds of exclusive varieties with high stems look expensive and luxurious.

Lush bouquets with chrysanthemums and carnations look very cute. Airy, elegant inflorescences are ideal for birthday greetings and just like that. Light and pastel shades will be appreciated by young girls. They can be chosen for the bride, sister, colleague. Juicy redbuds symbolize ardent love - an ideal gift for a lover or spouse. As a sign of respect and affection, parents can be presented with a composition with burgundy or cream shades. You can emphasize solemnity with bright yellow, orange, crimson buds. Men will appreciate the restrained compositions of deep tones: purple, blue.

We always pay attention to the quality of flowers delivered to Sumy, their attractiveness, durability, and the effect they produce. The miniature composition often evokes tenderness and serves as a modest but very original compliment. Large buds frequently create an excellent wow effect—like living fireworks in the hands—and a mono-bouquet speaks of elegant restraint. A correctly selected bouquet usually turns out to be more eloquent than banal phrases with congratulations and wishes.

Our company's florists know how to speak the language of flowers and make it understandable for those who are far from the world of plants and botany. Our specialists are fluent in composition skills, know everything about the current trends in their craft, and continue to improve their skills.

Order flowers in Sumy 4

Delivery of gifts to Sumy from Ukraineflora

Exclusive sets remain a universal and win-win option. On our website you can order grocery baskets with filling to your taste:

  • Fruits. Local or exotic species: apples, bananas, citrus fruits, and berries—the case when any addressee will appreciate the gift. The contents of the basket are helpful for both snacking and serving. And what could be better than a healthy gift full of vitamins?
  • Sweets. Chocolate, bars, cookies, bright dragees - who has not dreamed of such a surprise as a child? Such desires will forever remain in the memory, and no matter how many of them you embody, they will each time evoke genuine emotions of joy, like a small child. Cheese. An option for true gourmets who value quality and good taste. The basket can be presented to a colleague, business partner, or boss because everything is thought out in it to the smallest detail: design, brands, and types of products.
  • Alcohol and snacks. You can choose a set with local or imported wine for close friends or relatives whose tastes you know a lot. Ladies will appreciate a bottle of sparkling wine, and company friends will be delighted with a basket of beer and snacks.
  • Tea and coffee. This is a warm and sincere gift. We recommend choosing it for people who value family comfort and like to spend evenings talking with loved ones. Present a delicious cake to a bouquet of roses in Sumy. We cooperate with the best pastry shops in the city, making custom-made pastries and excellent Tiramisu, Napoleon, Cheesecake, Prague, and other delicacies.

We deliver cakes daily in a gift box that protects the product from dust and damage. There are also individual gifts:

  • Soft toys - charming teddy bears, bunnies, and pandas will cheer you up and demonstrate all your tenderness. Bear of roses or eternal rose. The unusual design of luxurious red, white, and pink buds looks romantic and will certainly impress the lady of the heart.
  • Perfume and cosmetics. Elite branded perfume will be appreciated by a woman of any age. It will look great in combination with a bouquet or a chocolate set.
  • Home plants. The catalog contains blooming gardenia, hydrangea, azalea orchids, or decorative leafy species such as palm, ficus, and calathea. Such a gift will delight a woman who loves to take care of plants, equip her home, and surround herself with beautiful things.

The hero of the occasion will surely be delighted with the balloons and the words of congratulations. It's lovely to spin around the room with them and feel like a child again.

Order flowers in Sumy 5

Features of flower delivery to the city of Sumy

To place an order, go to Ukraineflora's official website, select the option you like from the catalog, and add it to the basket. Then, go through the checkout procedure: for this, you only need to enter the delivery date, contact numbers, and additional wishes for the order, if any. Payment takes place online: for this, you need a bank card or PayPal, ApplePay, or GooglePay. Immediately after transferring funds to the account, we start processing the order.

We form all baskets, flower arrangements, and sweet gifts shortly before sending them. So, we are confident in the product's high quality, shelf life, and attractive appearance. All goods are transported in a car in compliance with temperature conditions.

Order flowers in Sumy 6

5 reasons to buy flowers in Sumy from Ukraineflora

In the capital and large cities, small settlements and regional centers, megacities and villages - no matter where we work in Ukraine, the quality of services and customer satisfaction remain a priority for us:

  1. We fulfill orders promptly and even offer a very urgent delivery option on the day of purchase. The site presents a wide range of bouquets and gifts of different price categories: from small compliments to luxurious and generous surprises.
  2. We have a flexible system of discounts from 5%. Also, if you have chosen flowers for a certain amount, delivery to Sumy will be free.
  3. The catalog contains exclusive bouquets according to the "recipe" of our florists. You will find different flower arrangements in other shops and studios in the city.
  4. With the addressee's permission, we can record the moment of delivery on video or photo.

We stay in touch around the clock and are always happy to advise you, answer questions, or fulfill an additional request for an order. Distances, time zones, and other conventions are not obstacles to expressing love and care to loved ones.

Read more
  • What is the procedure if the recipient declines to accept my flowers or gifts? If the recipient in Sumy refuses to accept your flowers before we initiate the delivery process, we have a protocol in place. We will notify the customer and seek further instructions. In most cases, we issue a full refund. However, if we've arranged the delivery with the recipient, confirmed the date, time, and address, but no one is present at the location or answers the phone upon our courier's arrival, we do not issue a refund. We will inform the customer about the issue in such scenarios.
  • What should I do if I do not receive an email confirming my order? Upon successful payment for an order, Ukraineflora sends a confirmation email to customers with all the order details. If a customer hasn't received such a confirmation email containing the order number, recipient's phone number, ordered items, costs, and other relevant information, it could be due to two potential issues. The first could be that the email has been directed to the spam folder—please check there. The second could be that the payment didn't go through or there were issues with the payment process, preventing the generation of a confirmation email.
  • Are cash payments accepted? Unfortunately, we don't accept cash payments for our services. However, there are many other convenient ways to pay for your flower and gift delivery order in Sumy.
  • How much in advance should I schedule my flower order in Sumy? We advise placing your flower order in Sumy between 10–15 days in advance at most. Ideally, orders should be made 24–48 hours before the desired delivery date. Ukraineflora is committed to accommodating express and same-day deliveries whenever possible.
  • Is the arrangement depicted in the photo the exact item that will be delivered in Sumy? Ukraineflora aims to deliver flower arrangements and gifts that match the product images on our website. Customers can view unedited photos of our deliveries at https://ukraineflora.com/photos, or on our Facebook page at https://facebook.com/ukraineflora and our Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/ukraineflora/.
  • How can I confirm that my flowers or gifts have been successfully delivered? Once a delivery is completed, we update the status of the order. This triggers an automatic email and, if technically possible, an SMS message to the customer's mobile phone number notifying them of the updated order status. While Ukraineflora sends SMS notifications to the provided phone number, we cannot guarantee their delivery. We also aim to take a photo of the delivery and send it to the customer, although there may be circumstances preventing us from doing so.
  • Can I request modifications to my order? Customers have the option to change their orders, but specific rules and conditions apply to prevent incurring additional costs. We recommend visiting our "Change or Cancel Order" page at https://ukraineflora.com/page/changeorcancel for more information. Alternatively, you can contact our always-available customer support for details on order modifications and related terms and conditions. If a customer wishes to add items to their order, the process is simpler. Contact our customer support, and we will provide a separate payment link for the additional items.
  • What methods of payment are available? Ukraineflora accepts a wide range of payment methods, including all major credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, bank wires, Western Union, and MoneyGram transactions. This covers the vast majority of our customers' needs for ordering flower and gift deliveries in Ukraine.
  • What is the process for placing an order for flowers in Sumy? To order flowers in Sumy, simply visit our website at https://ukraineflora.com. Browse our selection of flower arrangements, choose your preferred bouquet, add it to your cart, and proceed with the checkout process.
  • Do your flower arrangements for Sumy deliveries come with a vase? Only a limited number of our products include a vase in their cost, which is clearly stated in bold text within the product description. Most of our flower bouquets in Sumy do not include the cost of a vase. However, unlike other flower delivery services, Ukraineflora offers a variety of vases that can be ordered separately and added to your total order.
  • Can I make payment using PayPal as an option? Ukraineflora gladly accepts PayPal as one of the available payment methods. Customers can choose to use PayPal or any other payment method that they find safe and convenient.
  • Is in-store pick-up for online orders available in Sumy? In-store pick-up in Sumy is indeed an option. Customers wishing to utilize this service should indicate their preference in the "Special Instructions" field during the checkout process.
  • Can I place an order for flowers in Sumy even if I do not reside there? Ukraineflora's primary mission is to enable customers worldwide to order flowers and gifts for delivery anywhere in Ukraine, including Sumy. You can comfortably order flowers for delivery in Sumy from anywhere by simply visiting our website. We offer a vast online catalog of flowers and gifts, numerous customization options, and various payment methods.
  • How can I acquire discount coupons when ordering flower delivery in Sumy? Every Ukraineflora customer, even those visiting our website for the first time, can use the discount coupon code "5OFF" to receive an instant 5% discount on their order. After placing an order with us, customers can receive an 8% personal discount coupon code by leaving a review about our services. Our loyal customers also enjoy additional types of discounts. We encourage everyone to become a regular Ukraineflora customer to benefit from our exciting offers and discounts.
  • Do you offer delivery services to hospitals? Yes, Ukraineflora can deliver to hospitals, provided we have the recipient's phone number or the contact details of someone who can liaise with the recipient. However, we can only deliver to locations where we are permitted to do so. In some cases, we may have to leave the flowers and gifts at the reception, trusting that they will be passed on to the recipient.