Product Information
Finding a bouquet that can compare with this 25 premium red roses arrangement in its breathtaking simplicity and elegance isn't easy. Ukraineflora proposes you choose these rose arrangements for your occasion or the recipient. Yes, this is a universal bouquet, but it is still extraordinary, full of the fragrance of passionate roses. You can be sure that our florists will put all their knowledge and experience into the creation so that flowers will arrive at your recipient at their best, with your feelings included.
- This bouquet is made from 25 red roses.
- Red roses are produced in Ukraine.
- The arrangement size is approximately 60-70 cm in height and 40 cm in diameter.
- A vase is not included in the arrangement cost and can be ordered additionally.
- We can still deliver this bouquet even if you only have the recipient's phone number.
We recommend adding to your order
- What occasions is the 25 premium red roses arrangement from Ukraineflora suitable for? The 25 premium red roses arrangement from Ukraineflora is suitable for any occasion. It's a universal bouquet full of the fragrance of passionate roses that can express your feelings perfectly.
- Can I include a personalized message with the 25 premium red roses arrangement from Ukraineflora? Yes, you can include a personalized message with the 25 premium red roses arrangement from Ukraineflora. We will put your message in the card to be delivered with your order.
- Is a vase included in the cost of the 25 premium red roses arrangement from Ukraineflora? No, a vase is not included in the cost of the 25 premium red roses arrangement from Ukraineflora. However, you can order a vase additionally if needed.
- Are there any limitations on the kinds of gifts I can send? While we have a broad range of gifts, certain items may be restricted due to local regulations. For details, refer to the product descriptions.
- How much in advance should I order for a specific event? We suggest ordering ahead of time, particularly during busy seasons and holidays, to ensure availability and prompt delivery.
- What should I do if the flowers I receive are damaged or wilted? We prioritize quality. If you receive damaged or wilted flowers, please contact us immediately with photographs, and we'll arrange for a replacement or refund.
Write a review to help other buyers with a choice!
The recipient loved the classic beauty of the 25 Red Roses! A perfect romantic gift.
A bouquet full of passion! The 25 Red Roses were vibrant and full of life.
As agreed, they delivered flowers, and this is important. I tell you THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
The recipient will receive a gift from a lot of emotions! The bouquet was delivered on a holiday and helped save time. Thanks for the timely delivery.
Very cool delivery! Delighted my mom on the anniversary date. Thank you, the service is great.
My girlfriend liked the bouquet I am grateful to you
Спасибо большое,очень быстро,качественно .супер бабуля была очень довольна..
My congratulations flowers were delivered on time and were beautiful.
Very beautiful roses. My wife loved them. She sent me the pictures with them. Guys! thank you very much for your service.