Product Information
We have been looking for the right words to give the correct description of this bouquet and we must confess, we still have not found them. If someone finds the right words for this perfect bouquet of 51 roses of different colors but still one perfect and premium quality - this person can become a world-famous poet or writer. At the same time, you have a great chance to send your own private, exclusive words to the one you think, care about, and love together with this bouquet.
- This bouquet is made from 51 roses of different colors in total.
- Red, pink, yellow, and white roses are produced in Ukraine.
- The arrangement size is approximately 60-70 cm in height and 60 cm in diameter.
- A vase is not included in the cost of arrangement and can be ordered additionally.
- We can still deliver this bouquet even if you have the phone number of the recipient only.
We recommend adding to your order
- What is included in the bouquet of 51 roses? The bouquet of 51 roses includes different colors of roses such as red, pink, yellow, and white. The arrangement size is approximately 60-70 cm in height and 60 cm in diameter. Please note that the vase is not included in the cost of the arrangement and can be ordered additionally.
- Can I add a teddy bear or chocolates to the bouquet? Yes, you can add a teddy bear or delicious chocolate candies to the bouquet. It will be an amazing gift set that will help to convey your feelings. Please do not forget to add text, we shall put it in the card to be delivered with your order.
- Can you deliver the bouquet if I only have the recipient's phone number? Yes, we can still deliver the bouquet even if you only have the recipient's phone number. We will contact them to arrange the delivery date and time.
- What types of flowers and gifts can I order online from Ukraineflora for delivery in Ukraine? At Ukraineflora, we offer a wide variety of flowers and gifts for delivery in Ukraine. You can order beautiful bouquets of lilies, tulips, alstroemerias, chrysanthemums, orchids, roses, and many more. We also offer bouquets and flower arrangements made of red, white, pink, orange and yellow roses. In addition to flowers, we have food baskets, gourmet baskets, fruits baskets, cakes, balloons, chocolate bars, soft toys, gift cards, and more.
- Do you offer same-day delivery for flower and gift orders in Ukraine? Yes, we do offer same-day delivery for flower and gift orders in Ukraine. However, please note that certain conditions must be met for same-day delivery. Please check our website or contact our customer service team for more information.
- What payment options are available for flower and gift orders on your website? We offer two secure online payment options for flower and gift orders on our website: credit card and PayPal. Both options are fast and safe ways to pay online.
Write a review to help other buyers with a choice!
Elite Passion Mix was a truly luxurious bouquet! The recipient was delighted with the selection.
An elegant and sophisticated bouquet! The mix of colors in Elite Passion was breathtaking.
Большое спасибо за оформление букета и своевременную доставку заказа. Имениннице букет очень понравился! Самые лучшие впечатления :-)
All is cool. We were able to wish our mother-in-law a happy birthday from a distance! Thanks to this online store for a good job!
Insanely pleasant emotions. Nice, beautiful bouquet, no complaints. Perfect surprise, thank you.
I ordered a bouquet in Mariupol, everything went well I recommend
Definitely recommend !!!