Product Information
Looking for a classic bouquet to express love, admiration, or appreciation? Ukraineflora’s bouquet of 9 stunning red roses, each selected for its vibrant color and freshness and arranged beautifully by our expert florists, is the perfect choice. This bouquet is not just a gift, but a heartfelt expression of your deepest emotions. Whether celebrating a romantic milestone or simply brightening someone’s day, these roses, with their timeless appeal, are sure to make a lasting impression. With delivery available across Ukraine, trust Ukraineflora to create a meaningful gift that speaks volumes with every petal. Order now to experience the quality and beauty of our roses!
- Same-Day Delivery is Available
- This bouquet is made from 9 red roses.
- Premium quality red roses produced in Ukraine.
- The arrangement size is approximately 60-70 cm in height and 35 cm in diameter.
- A vase is not included in the cost of arrangement and can be ordered additionally.
- We can still deliver this bouquet even if you have the phone number of the recipient only.
This rose arrangement is a beautiful gift. But please allow us to propose you add a teddy bear or delicious chocolate candies. It will be an amazing gift set that will help to convey your feelings. Please do not forget to add text, we shall put it on the card to deliver with your order.
We recommend adding to your order
- What is included in the bouquet of 9 red roses? The bouquet of 9 red roses is a simple and attractive arrangement that speaks of the glory of traditional red roses. It comes in a gift wrap and is made to fit your taste and budget. The premium quality red roses are produced in Ukraine and the arrangement size is approximately 60-70 cm in height and 35 cm in diameter. Please note that a vase is not included in the cost of the arrangement but can be ordered additionally.
- Can I add something else to the bouquet of 9 red roses? Yes, of course! While the bouquet of 9 red roses is a beautiful gift on its own, we suggest adding a teddy bear or delicious chocolate candies to make it an amazing gift set that will help convey your feelings. Please do not forget to add text, we shall put it in the card to be delivered with your order.
- Is same-day delivery available for the bouquet of 9 red roses? Yes, same-day delivery is available for the bouquet of 9 red roses. We understand that sometimes you need to send a gift at the last minute, and we are here to help you make it happen. Please note that even if you have only the phone number of the recipient, we can still deliver this bouquet to them.
- What types of flowers and gifts can I order from Ukraineflora for delivery in Ukraine? At Ukraineflora, we offer a wide variety of flowers and gifts for delivery in Ukraine. You can order bouquets made of different flowers such as lilies, tulips, alstroemerias, chrysanthemums, orchids, roses, and many more. We also offer bouquets and flower arrangements made of red, white, pink, orange, and yellow roses. In addition to flowers, we have different types of gifts available for ordering and delivery in Ukraine, such as food baskets, gourmet baskets, fruits baskets, cakes, balloons, chocolate bars, soft toys, gift cards, and more.
- What are the available payment methods for orders placed on Ukraineflora's website? At Ukraineflora, we offer two fast and secure ways of payment online: credit card and PayPal. You can choose your preferred payment method during the checkout process.
- Does Ukraineflora offer same-day delivery or free delivery options? Yes, we offer same-day delivery and free of charge delivery with certain conditions being followed. Please check our website or contact our customer support team for more information about these options.
Write a review to help other buyers with a choice!
Roses were delivered on time and presented beautifully and were bright and smelled amazing.
The impressions are very good. Ordered here for 8 March and recently for a birthday, the flowers are good. Good luck in all your endeavors.
Thank you very much for the delivered holiday! The bouquet is really gorgeous!
Thanks for the lovely flowers.
All very well, the recipient happy.
Thank you very much for the beautiful bouquet and the emotions of the holiday.
I was very glad that at a distance of 1000 km my husband and I were able to congratulate our daughter, for her it was more than a congratulation! Thank you VERY MUCH, you gave our family a great mood for the whole day !!!! In the future, I plan to congratulate all my relatives and friends with your help.
Заказывал розочки для моей сестрички на 14 февраля все было хорошо спасибо
The bouquet was beautiful, a wonderful gift, thank you!
I ordered a bouquet from Israel to Zaporozhye! And everything was super, everyone was happy and most importantly happy !!!! Now I know how to please my loved ones at a distance !!! I am your client !!
Квіти свіжі доставили вчасно.
My wife liked it! Thank you guys
Сегодня доченька получила от нас красивый букет из 9 роз. Очень было приятно и неожиданно .Спасибо за доставку!
Arrived on time and beautifully set! Made her day.
Thank you very much for the great service. She received it.
Hello. I have a question about this 9 red roses in Ukraine bouquet. Will you be able to deliver it same-day in Mariupol city? Thank you