Product Information
The simplicity and elegance of this bouquet of 25 luxury white roses are boundless, just like your feelings and emotions toward the possible recipient of this bouquet. Please do not waste your time; use the chance and show your true attitude with these white roses, wonderfully scented and perfectly beautiful.
- This bouquet is made from 25 white roses.
- Luxury quality white roses imported from Ecuador or the Netherlands.
- The arrangement size is approximately 80-95 cm in height and 40 cm in diameter.
- A vase is not included in the arrangement cost and can be ordered additionally.
- We can still deliver this bouquet even if you only have the recipient's phone number.
We recommend adding to your order
- What is included in the bouquet of 25 luxury white roses? The bouquet is made up of 25 luxury quality white roses imported from Ecuador or the Netherlands. A vase is not included in the cost of the arrangement, but can be ordered additionally.
- Can you deliver this bouquet if I only have the phone number of the recipient? Yes, we can still deliver this bouquet even if you only have the phone number of the recipient.
- Can I add a teddy bear or chocolate candies to my order? Yes, we recommend adding a teddy bear or delicious chocolate candies to your order to make it an amazing gift set and convey your feelings. Please don't forget to add text, which we will put on the card to be delivered with your order.
- Do you provide any guarantees on your products and services? Our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction. If you're not happy with your order, please get in touch with our customer support, and we'll strive to address any concerns.
- Can I add extra items like chocolates or balloons to my gift order? Yes, you often have the option to include additional items like chocolates, balloons, or greeting cards with your gift during the order process.
- How can I share my feedback or write a review about my experience? Your feedback is highly appreciated! You can post a review on our website or contact our customer support team to share your thoughts and suggestions.
Write a review to help other buyers with a choice!
Such a graceful bouquet! The white roses were fresh and beautifully presented.
A stunning display of elegance! The 25 Luxury White Roses were delicate and pure.
An order for a close friend, I was worried about how everything would go, but everything is fine. Thank you for your help with the choice.
This is what you need! The composition was delivered as agreed. It is very pleasant to deal with such a company.
Excellent luxury roses are very beautiful and impressive my mommy
Impeccable fresh flower delivery. Thank you very much for the timely delivery of the gift.