Product Information
No promises, but there is a great chance. Yes, this bouquet will give you a unique opportunity to win her heart. There are no obligations from Ukraineflora florists, but one - the roses are very fresh, luxurious, and of the best quality ever available for delivery in Ukraine. Just choose your date and delivery destination, and be sure your recipient will get this fantastic huge bouquet of imported, long-stemmed, luxury red or dark red roses in time, full of your feelings and emotions.
- This bouquet is made from 15 red roses.
- Luxury quality red roses imported from Ecuador or the Netherlands.
- The arrangement size is approximately 80-95 cm in height and 29 cm in diameter.
- A vase is not included in the arrangement cost and can be ordered additionally.
- We can still deliver this bouquet even if you only have the recipient's phone number.
We recommend adding to your order
- Can I order this bouquet for delivery outside of Ukraine? Unfortunately, this particular bouquet is only available for delivery within Ukraine. However, we do offer a wide range of other beautiful bouquets and gifts that can be delivered internationally. Please check our website or contact our customer service team for more information.
- Can I add a teddy bear or chocolates to this bouquet? Yes, of course! We highly recommend adding a teddy bear or chocolates to make your gift even more special. Simply select the additional items when placing your order on our website.
- How long will it take for the bouquet to be delivered? We offer same-day and next-day delivery options for most locations within Ukraine. Please check the delivery information on our website or contact our customer service team for more details.
- What measures do you take to maintain the freshness and quality of your flowers? We procure our flowers from reliable suppliers and adhere to stringent quality control standards to ensure the freshness and quality of every bouquet we deliver.
- Can I have my order delivered to more than one address? Yes, it's possible to deliver orders to multiple addresses. However, each address needs to be placed as a separate order to ensure correct delivery.
- Do you provide a service for regular flower deliveries, like a subscription? Indeed, we offer subscription services. You can opt for one of our many subscription plans for regular flower deliveries.
Write a review to help other buyers with a choice!
A classic and luxurious bouquet! The recipient said the roses were stunning.
Perfect for a romantic occasion! The recipient adored them.
Розкішні троянди! Отримувачка була у захваті від їхнього насиченого кольору та свіжості.
Thank you for the opportunity to congratulate a person in another city.
Late last night I ordered a flower delivery. Today, at the appointed time, they delivered it by surprise. Thank. Things are good.
I approve of your work! They brought it in on time. Special thanks to the operator and courier for the courtesy.
Kiev Delivery helped me congratulate my mother in Ukraine very quickly and efficiently thanks guys
Цветы качественные и свежие, спасибо за быструю доставку.