Product Information
This is a HUGE bouquet made of 101 red imported large roses. Should we say more about this super roses' arrangement? Once, we compared one of our bouquets with a Mercedes-Benz. So, this 101 luxury red roses bouquet is like Rolls-Royce in the world of cars - nothing can compare and beat it, and nothing can express and show more. Please consider ordering this bouquet. Do not agree for less; choose the best way to show your feelings.
- This bouquet is made from 101 red roses.
- Luxury quality red roses imported from Ecuador or the Netherlands.
- The arrangement size is approximately 80-95 cm in height and 75-85 cm in diameter.
- A vase is not included in the arrangement cost and can be ordered additionally.
- We can still deliver this bouquet even if you only have the recipient's phone number.
We recommend adding to your order
- Should I order the 101 red roses bouquet from Ukraineflora? Absolutely! This bouquet is like a Rolls-Royce in the world of flowers, and nothing can compare to its luxury and beauty. Show your true feelings with this amazing gift. Don't forget to add a teddy bear or delicious chocolate candies to make it even more special.
- Can I add a vase to the 101 red roses bouquet? Unfortunately, a vase is not included in the cost of the arrangement, but you can order it additionally. We offer a variety of vases to choose from, which will perfectly complement the beauty of the bouquet.
- Can you deliver the 101 red roses bouquet even if I only have the recipient's phone number? Yes, we can still deliver the bouquet even if you only have the recipient's phone number. Just make sure to provide us with the correct address and phone number, and we'll take care of the rest.
- Can I order flowers and gifts for delivery in Ukraine from Western Europe? Yes, you can order flowers and gifts for delivery in Ukraine from Western Europe through Ukraineflora's website. We offer delivery services to various locations in Ukraine and accept payments via credit card or PayPal.
- What types of flowers and gifts can I order from Ukraineflora's website? You can order a variety of flower bouquets made of lilies, tulips, alstroemerias, chrysanthemums, orchids, roses, and more. We also offer bouquets and flower arrangements made of red, white, pink, orange and yellow roses. In addition, we have different types of gifts available such as food baskets, gourmet baskets, fruits baskets, cakes, balloons, chocolate bars, soft toys, gift cards, and more.
- What are the payment options for ordering on Ukraineflora's website? You can pay for your orders on Ukraineflora's website using either a credit card or PayPal. Both options are fast, safe and secure ways of payment online.
Write a review to help other buyers with a choice!
The 101 Luxury Red Roses were the ultimate romantic gesture! The bouquet was breathtaking.
A stunning surprise! The recipient was overjoyed with the grandeur of the 101 Luxury Red Roses.
They gave me a lot of pleasure. An order was made for flowers, balls, cake, everything is very high quality. Thank you sincerely.
Thank you very much your company for the excellent work. This is not the first time I have applied, always a very high-quality order fulfillment. thank
The weather was terrible in Kiev, a lot of snow, but the team was able to deliver a Fresh and whole bouquet of 101 roses for my Christina
Советую всем брать этот букет. У моей жены глаза горели как бенгальские огни.
Эти цветы были всем, чего я ожидал, и даже больше! Девушка которой я их послал, просто полюбила их и прислала мне фотографию! Я заказал большой и крутой букет. Советую