10 Life Hacks from Ukraineflora.com Florists

10 Life Hacks from Ukraineflora Florists

Professional florists know how to choose and store flowers correctly to retain their presentation and delight customers with freshness, beauty, and pleasant fragrance for a long time. The specialists with whom Ukraineflora cooperates named ten universal life hacks for beginners in this field and those who want to be confident in the quality of services for the sale and delivery of bouquets.

1. Choice of flowers when purchasing

The key to a beautiful composition is fresh, high-quality buds, so the choice of suppliers must be approached with all responsibility. Flowers are usually purchased in two ways: manually at the base or online. To determine the quality of the goods, Ukraineflora specialists are guided by the following rules:

  • The buds should creak slightly with slight squeezing and be half-open. Then, the buyer will be able to observe the transformation of the bouquet when the flowers open.
  • Choose straight stems. They allow moisture to pass through better and are more convenient for creating a composition.
  • Leaves on fresh flowers are always firm, smooth, and rich in color. They will quickly return to their original shape if they are easy to bend.
  • The cut should not be dry or rotten.

Any spots and darkening indicate the staleness of the plant. Florists suggest heeding the above tips when ordering flower arrangements in Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Lviv, and other cities of Ukraine at retail outlets.

2. Use of quality tools and materials at hand

Every florist always has sharp scissors, secateurs for cutting dense branches and soft stems, a florist's knife, a stapler, a glue gun, pliers, and technical rope at hand. Materials for working with a cut must be disinfected with chlorine-containing agents.

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3. Primary flower processing

Before shipment, thorns and flower leaves are removed from the flowers, and the cut is updated. The stem is trimmed with a sharp knife at a 45° angle, increasing the area through which water enters the plant. The soft stems of tulips and daffodils can break off, so these species are cut at right angles.

4. Retaining or unpacking

Two options for storing flowers in the refrigerator are dry and wet. At first, the plants remain in the supplier's packaging and are placed horizontally on shelves without access to water. This method is suitable for ferns, salal, eucalyptus, and other types of greenery. Dry storage is also practiced with bulbous flowers: daffodils and tulips. In this case, removing the supplier's packaging and wrapping the plant in the paper is better. Roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, and lilies should be kept open in vases of water.

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5. Selection of containers for flowers

Each species should be in a separate vase. This criterion allows the naked eye to assess the conditions in which flowers are kept for the sale and delivery of bouquets in specialized companies. When choosing a container, consider the characteristics of plants:

  • Long flowers, like elite roses and royal lilies, feel better in pillar vases.
  • Low tulips, roses, and peonies prefer containers with a wide neck and bottom in combination with a narrow middle.
  • Several flowers with thin stems can be placed in a narrow, tall vase.
  • Large bouquets with oversized buds are usually placed in rectangular containers.
  • Primroses and miniature plants with fleshy stems can be placed in a small round vase.

Florists often choose long-column vases or hourglass containers to store flowers in the refrigerator.

6. Freshness and quality of water

After cutting from the mother bush, the flower's water balance, the growth and development process, is disturbed. Companies providing flower delivery services in Ukraine minimize the consequences of these natural processes, therefore they are especially concerned about the quality of the environment for storing plants:
  • Every two to three days, the vases are cleaned with disinfectants and filled with fresh water with supplements.
  • In order To not disturb the flower's water balance, the cut is regularly updated.
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7. Compliance with temperature conditions

Refrigerators or monoblock cooling devices are usually used to store flowers. Florists, with whom our company works to deliver flowers as gifts, place plants in special units. They maintain the temperature at + 5-10 °C. This mode allows you to preserve the freshness of both bulbous spring flowers, which prefer temperatures from 5 °C, and summer species, for which conditions are optimal above eight °C.

8. Arrangement of the bouquet before delivery

Placing different types of flowers in a separate vase eliminates competition between species and allows you to create the necessary conditions for their storage. For the same reason, Ukraineflora florists do not store bouquets ready-made but form them immediately before shipment.

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9. Pre-sale preparation of flowers

Plants stored in the refrigerator by the dry method must be given a drink before being sent to the client. To do this, the cut is updated, and the stems are placed in cool water for at least two hours. The flowers that were kept in a vase of water are formed into bouquets with the removal of excess foliage and thorns. In this case, the specialists trim the stems just before shipment.

10. Compliance with the rules of transportation of flower arrangements

Bouquets throughout Ukraine must be delivered in compliance with all temperature regimes and conditions for the safe transportation of plants. We transport flowers in an air-conditioned vehicle, so the risk of hypothermia or overheating is minimal. The composition's packaging plays a decorative role and protects the flowers from external damage. Considering the tips, you can not only choose and store bouquets correctly at home. These life hacks will help determine the quality of services of florist firms and order flowers in any city in Ukraine. Choose fresh compositions created by caring Ukraineflora florists, so that the gift will remind your loved ones for a long time about your tender feelings.

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