We're thrilled to present a special list of discount coupons exclusively for our valued customers. This time, the list is dedicated to March 8th, International Women's Day, a significant event widely celebrated in Ukraine. Don't miss out on this exclusive offer—grab your discount coupon now and make an order by March 8th. Even after March 8, there are a few discount coupons left. Seize this opportunity to save!
15% discount - 1 coupon available, enter 15offmrraccoon
10% discount - 5 coupons available, enter 10offhellospring
9% discount - 10 coupons available, enter 9offseeyousoon
8% discount - 15 coupons available, enter 8offmissyoumuch
How to use a discount coupon?
Just do the usual shopping on our website. During the checkout, a field will be called "Discount Coupon". Enter one of the words in bold above into this field and click "Click to Apply the Code". That's it, enjoy your discount. No discount? This means you are already late with the discount coupon you entered. Please try another one. If it does not work again, all coupons are already used. But, no worries. We have an unlimited number of 5% discount coupons. Just enter 5OFF and enjoy the discount.
I think I can apply for a personal discount! What should I do?
Well, you are probably one of the few of our regular customers* who still don't have a personal discount. Email us at [email protected], and we will reply with your personal, for you only, discount coupon.
*regular customer - a customer who has made at least 2 orders on our website.